Love Always

There is a new man in my life. Yep. You heard right. His name is Monty, and he is nothing like anyone else in my life. Past or present.

Monte came as a surprise. I wasn’t looking for a new man. I’d met a relative of his recently; a friend brought him along on a weekend get-together. The minute I met him I was smitten. We laughed and carried on a lot in an amusing–but unmentionable–“situation”, but I figured that it was a short-lived affair, a weekend fling. He was hers, after all. I tried to put him out of my mind.

The holidays came. I had fleeting thoughts of our encounter, and wondered what he was doing now. Perhaps we’d meet again?

Arriving home after a 3-week vacation over the holidays, the postman delivered our accumulated mail. Lots of Christmas cards, bills, solicitations, and a great big box.
Tearing into the box (I love surprises), I was met by the face that took my breath away. It was him, but better.

Imagine flirting with Russell Crowe but getting picked-up by George Clooney.

His name is Monty. The name comes from a place dear to my heart. A place that is settled atop the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Monteagle.


Much to the chagrin of Jeff and the 3 pups, Monty has found a place in my heart as well as my bed. Now there are 3 pups and Monty in bed with us.

“I’m crowded. Roll O-ver”

No, I won’t be disposing of any of the other significant others in my life. My heart has grown large enough to accept and bestow love upon others without sacrificing my devotion to those that were there before.

I can love you all.


All Ways.

About call it kismet

animal advocate, avid traveler, sailor, writer.
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10 Responses to Love Always

  1. Mom says she’s learned over the years that love is never divided.. it always multiplies!

    We’d love to chew on Monty sometime. Perhaps rearrange his nose and eyes a bit? He’s good looking just as he is… just saying.

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  2. Mom always said there is always room in the heart for one more. BOL

  3. nhenrydvm says:

    We will have to keep an eye on JuJu and cousin Monty when they get together in March!
    Love multiplies!

  4. catfromhell says:

    Whoa! Monty looks like the perfect friend for a small cat to curl up on the bed with when having one of my snoozes! Me is smitten too!

  5. Too sweet! Miss Stella would love to snuggle with Monty!

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